Eduro in Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies in Salt Lake City

Eduro in Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies in Salt Lake City

Oct 8, 2019

[Salt Lake City, Utah] — Eduro Healthcare was recently named one of Growjo’s “100 Fastest Growing Companies in Salt Lake City.”  Eduro was one of the few companies to make the list in the Hospital/Healthcare categories, as Utah has seen most of their rapid growth through the booming tech industry.  In fact, some are calling Salt Lake and the surrounding areas “Silicon Slopes,” a reference to Silicon Valley in California, where some of the largest companies in the world are headquartered, including Apple, Google, and Facebook. 

Eduro currently operates 14 skilled nursing facilities across 9 states, as well as a regional home health & hospice company in Utah.  Although founded in 2008, 10 of their 14 facilities were added to Eduro’s portfolio since 2018, a huge jump for a company this size.  Managing partner Brian Ramos commented, “It’s been a banner year for Eduro as far as growth is concerned.  We are so proud of the team we have and it’s only because of them that we’ve been able to achieve this prudent and exciting growth.  We look forward to building upon our great partnerships in all of our communities and having another great year.”  Salt Lake is already one of the cities with the fastest growing cities per capita in the United States, so making the Top 100 list at #75 is no small matter.

Many providers in the skilled nursing industry haven’t been as fortunate.  Expansion for other companies has plateaued—and even receded—with the anticipated changes that were to come with PDPM (Patient-Driven Payment Model), which was implemented just last week.  The massive shift in Medicare reimbursements have left many uncertain with where the skilled nursing industry would move in the future.  Managing partner Michael Bewsey has a positive outlook on the new way that providers will be compensated for their services.  “We’ve invested heavily in preparing our team for success with PDPM,” Bewsey explained.  “Hundreds of hours have been spent on-site with our facilities to train our employees so they can hit the ground running when PDPM rolls out.  Nobody is certain with where these changes will take us down the road, but we feel ready now and are prepared to pivot if additional adjustments are needed.”

Eduro has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the facilities they’ve acquired.  Comments about finally paying local vendors, better employee training, and improved resident care are common when speaking with employees about their transition to Eduro.  Employees and residents alike seem to love when Eduro steps in, as evidenced by this 3-min video showing what happened when they took over a building in Stockton, California back in June. 


Eduro’s positive outlook on the future of skilled nursing indicates that they don’t plan on slowing their growth anytime soon, and it will be interesting to see where they stand by this time next year.

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